For most of the products we offer free home delivery. If the price of a product does not include the shipping, we explicitly mention the amount of shipping that will be charged upon buying that specific product. You will be able to see the shipping charges at checkout.

We offer Cash on Delivery service. It means the courier person will collect the money in cash from you when he delivers the order at your doorstep.

Your order will be delivered to your provided address mentioned as “Ship to” in your order through any renowned Courier Service such as TCS, Leopard or PO depending on your location. In case of Cash On Delivery order, the courier will collect the money in cash from you when he delivers the order.

Your order usually reaches at your doorstep within 2 to 4 working days from the date of order.

You will see a field named “Coupon Code” during your checkout. Enter the code in this field and click “Apply Coupon” button. You will get the promised discount or credit.

When you place an order through our online store, you’ll receive a confirmation call within few hours. Upon your confirmation, we then pack and ship your ordered items using a renowned courier service. You will get your order within 3-4 working days after order confirmation.

When you place an order through our online store, we send an e-invoice to your provided email address on the checkout page of your order. If you don’t see any email from us in your inbox, please make sure to check the junk section of your email account.

Since we only offer Cash on Delivery service, it means the cutomer is completely secure as he/she only pays when they get their ordered item(s).

Any data that you provide for the completion of your order is completely secure with us. Read Privacy Policy.

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